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The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Nov 5, 2021

Today, my brothers, we complete the third phase of our journey in the 1.0 Cognitive Mastery Curriculum by talking about observation; how the mind is meant to operate in its current function. If you haven’t listened to the previous episodes on awareness and detachment, the first two stages in the process of cognitive mastery, I encourage you to go back and do so now. Brothers, observation is how the mind is meant to operate in its current function. It is a passenger of consciousness. It is a messenger between the realm of vibration and the realm of form. It is impersonal and functions like a machine: input, output. What you put in is what you get out.

This is why it is important to be aware without choice, because choice brings conflict. Only he who is confused chooses what he will do or won't do. He who is clear in his mind, detached from all conditioning, does not choose. He simply observes. Once you have freed your mind to pass back and forth between your true self and the world, my brothers, you are free to express your true self into the world from vibration to form. You can see the world as the perfect form of love, light, and wisdom that it is. But what comes next? How do you watch the mind fulfill its purpose without attaching to the stories of society, the stories of systems, governments, religions, friends, family, and other external illusions? It is through observation.

Observation as a practice, however, is different depending on the person, and there isn’t just one way to observe the movement of the mind. In today’s episode, I introduce you to some of the ways that you can observe the mind without attaching to the conditioning field, to simply be aware of it as it passes through you so that you can engage with your truest self from moment to moment. I also offer you an explanation of how we are conditioned in our hero’s journey to be the hero, the victim, or the villain, but rarely, if ever, are we offered the option of being the guide, which can be the cause of great spiritual suffering to the one-in-five of us who are guides.

Brothers, I am so blessed as a guide to be able to share my explorations and knowledge with all of you. Join me today to learn more about the power of the conscious mind versus the unconscious mind, how to fill the tunnel between vibration and form with beauty using the alpha male tenets, and thus begin the never-ending journey of self-discovery!

Want to know more about what I do and how I can help you? Sign up for a free 45-minute session with me, and I’ll show you how this works!